Presentation Consult
Learn the art of engaging and captivating audiences of any size.
Service Description
Whether you're presenting to an audience of 1 or 1,000, I'll help you NAIL IT! PUBLIC SPEAKING, CORPORATE & SALES PRESENTATIONS, JOB INTERVIEWS VOICE PROJECTION NON-VERBAL COMMUNICATION ANXIETY CONTROL TECHNIQUES CONFIDENCE PROJECTION STEP 1: Explore presentation process areas in need of assistance: SPEECH WRITING SLIDE CREATION GRAPHIC DESIGN REHEARSALS STEP 2: Proposal provided based on scope of work. Typical range = $250-$1250. STEP 3: WE PREP FOR YOU TO NAIL IT!
Cancellation Policy
I get it, life happens, that's why we're here making changes together. I'll graciously give my clients one hall pass for less than 24 hours cancellation. If it happens again, a session will be deducted.
Contact Details